Gap of colors

» Digital » Digital art |     23-02-2005     | Tác giả: mic Đề cử tác phẩm Đặc sắc

Giới thiệu dự án

Don't know why I made it.. just playing...

Zider đã tham gia gởi bình luận
meomun, thangkhung84, eva4ureyes, silmusashi, mic, aloola, 7conver, monsterrrous
  1. meomun
    meomun 24-02-2005, 01:32 PM
    màu chọi nhau wúa
  2. thangkhung84
    thangkhung84 24-02-2005, 06:19 AM
    sắc độ ẹp, song màu hơi chua nhỉ :)
  3. eva4ureyes
    eva4ureyes 23-02-2005, 11:23 PM
    hay lắm!
  4. silmusashi
    silmusashi 23-02-2005, 10:27 PM
    fantastic....... ^^ good work.
  5. mic
    mic 23-02-2005, 09:30 PM
    full meaning of the picture:
    2 parts Dull and Vivid colors stand for 2 parts of life: bad life and good life..
    People who live in bad life are always depressed, stressed, sad and mad. But there are some gaps that people in bad life can seek and change their life to become a better life.
    "There is something that U can live for your life". It's a true fact! Always... something that U need to seek to change your life and they are gaps of your life! (gap of colors)
    Thanks for your comments!
  6. aloola
    aloola 23-02-2005, 08:52 PM
    màu good rùi, mà mi hổng hiểu cái nì là cái rì
  7. 7conver
    7conver 23-02-2005, 06:09 PM
    dùng màu khá lắm , rất ấn tượng !
  8. monsterrrous
    monsterrrous 23-02-2005, 03:53 PM
    màu hấp dẫn wá!!! ^^