Untitle IV Violet

» Nhiếp ảnh » Miscellanious |     26-02-2011     | Tác giả: tabi Đề cử tác phẩm Đặc sắc

Giới thiệu dự án

.:Vô Đề IV:. - Lý Thương Ẩn

Xuân tàm đáo tử ti phương tận
Lạp cự thành hôi lệ thủy can
Thân tằm đến thác tơ còn vướng,
Ngọn nến thành than lệ mới lau.
The silkworm spins silk until death
The candle sheds tears till it’s turned to ash

It's ironic that I found him was lying cold in a sunny day, he definitely stayed there for about 3 - 4 days. I picked him up with half of his body was destroyed, an eye was broken. I went home, noticed that the roses I grew were also died. Both are a like, they died but their beauty stayed the same, so I celebrated a double funeral; just a reminding of how beautiful a life could be, even though the death got them.

IV in Japanse and Chinese sounds like "Death"